Hi👋, I'm Kanishkumar
Full Stack Developer

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I’m a passionate Web Developer proficient in MERN and Django development. I am also interested in developing AI/ML-based web solutions.

I’m a CS graduate with a passion for web development, Machine Learning and AI. I strive to innovate and create impactful solutions.

Constantly eager to learn, I thrive in the fast-paced tech world and enjoy collaborating with diverse teams to drive positive change and deliver exceptional results.

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Programming Languages   
JavaScript, Python, Java
Libraries, Frameworks and RTE   
React.js, Django, Streamlit, Bootstrap, Material-UI, Node.js
MySQL, MongoDB, Postgres, Redis, Firebase Firestore
Rest APIs, GraphQL, Postman
Other Technologies   
Docker, Git, Github

Areas of Interest

Full Stack Web Development

Building end-to-end web solutions with modern technologies for seamless user experiences.

AI Integration and Machine learning

Implementing intelligent systems to automate tasks and improve decision-making.

Technical Blogging and documentation

Creating detailed and easy-to-understand documentation to simplify complex topics.

Work Experience


Honors Diploma in Computer Applications (HDCA)

Google Cloud Computing Foundations

Project Based Experiential Learning Program
(IBM Certified)

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